Taxi Transfer from Sofia Airport to Borovets

When You need Taxi Transfer from Sofia Airport to Borovets

Do You have to catch a flight from Sofia Airport or need to go to a late-night party and You need a ride back to Borovets?
Are you arriving at Sofia airport and you need someone to pick you up?
You must be on time for a job interview or a business meeting?

What are you still thinking of?

TrueDrivers are here to help
We offer safe, smooth & comfortable private travel, excellent prices, high-quality service and 24-hour availability!

How Taxi Transfer from Sofia Airport to Borovets Works?

You have two options for booking a private taxi transfer from Sofia Airport to Borovets with Truedrivers

You can make a direct reservation using this button

You can make a reservation by Phone, Whatsapp and Viber

You can make a
direct reservation
using this button

You can make a
by Phone, Whatsapp and Viber

Whats the Price For Taxi Transfer From Sofia Airport to Borovets?

Here you will find price for a transfer from Sofia Airport to Borovets for car,minivan and minibus


Car 4+1 | Price: 109 BGN or 56 EURΒ 


Minivan 6+1 | Price: 139 BGN or 72 EURΒ 

Renault Traffic 8+! minibus transfer Sofia Airport

Minibus 8+1 | Price: 169 BGN or 87Β EURΒ 


Business Class | Price: ON REQUEST

Taxi Transfer Sofia Airport to BorovetsΒ is offered from Truedrivers also for Business Class, 16+1 Shuttle and 50+ Bus
For a price quote, please contact us and we will give you one immediately

More Details About Taxi Transfer From Sofia Airport to Borovets

Time: TaxiΒ  from Sofia Airport to Borovets takes around 1 hours and 30 minutes
Distance: TaxiΒ  from Sofia Airport to Borovets is between 65-75 km depending on the address

Map for route of Taxi Transfer From Sofia Airport to Borovets

Truedrivers Team will provide you with a pleasant trip in a few steps:

1.We will make a reservation/offer immediately after you contact us
2.After your reservation, You will get an e-mail confirmation/voucher
3.The driver will contact you a few minutes before he is at the address or the airport
4.You will have a pleasant Journey from Sofia Airport to Borovets with a private transfer